Marine Research – On Shore
Marine Research – On Shore
Skilful use of information underpins effective natural resource management. JPEC Ltd conducts original research and reviews existing knowledge to provide an evidence base for informed decision-making.
The New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) contracted JPEC Ltd to provide expert advice on commercial fisheries to inform a seabed mining consent process. Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd (CRP) applied for consent to conduct undersea mining in a 10,200 km2 area off the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand.
JPEC Ltd provided the EPA with a review of CRP’s consent application, focusing on the known, likely, and potential effects of the CRP proposal on commercial fisheries, and where further information would enable those effects to be adequately assessed. Management and mitigation options to ameliorate any adverse effects were also considered.
With experts contracted to other parties and stakeholders in the consenting process, JPEC participated in expert conferencing to develop an agreed statement on the impacts of the proposed mining on commercial fisheries. JPEC also provided evidence at a hearing with the Decision-Making Committee for the application.
JPEC Ltd’s independence, objectivity, technical knowledge, research and communication skills, and ability to deliver within the legally-specified timeframe, were critical elements of success for this engagement.
The Decision-Making Committee considered the evidence presented to reach its final decision on CRP’s application, and proceedings around the application concluded.
Outputs from this engagement are available here and here.
Inset photos © M. P. Pierre